1. FODMAP Diet
FODMAPs are a family of carbohydrates found in a range of foods (like onion, bread, apples and milk) that are often poorly absorbed in our gut. For those who don’t have IBS, FODMAPs are safe and healthy to eat however for those who do, FODMAPs can cause uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits (how fun). The FODMAP diet was developed by Monash University and is the best-proven way to manage IBS symptoms, helping up to 75% of sufferers! Whilst it can be quite a restrictive and overwhelming process, thankfully more and more FODMAP-friendly products are becoming available which takes away the guessing and stressing when it comes to following the low FODMAP diet. You can find our favourite products here.
2. Monash University and FODMAP Friendly Apps
These apps are your complete on-the-go guides to the FODMAP diet. With the Monash University and FODMAP Friendly apps, you'll have easy access to recommendations about the foods you should and shouldn’t eat. They also have a bunch of low FODMAP recipes, certified low FODMAP products and access to expert support.
3. Healthcare Professionals
It’s important to have healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about IBS and your history so they can provide you with the best guidance and individualised care. The FODMAP diet is recommended under dietetic supervision to not only make sure it is appropriate for you but to help identify your triggers and ensure your diet is nutritionally adequate.
4. Stress Management Techniques
More and more research is coming out to show that IBS is a combination of irritable bowel and irritable brain. When we are stressed, our body's “fight or flight” response is activated, increasing stress hormones, causing our heart to beat faster, slowing and even stopping our digestive processes (essentially worsening those already uncomfortable IBS symptoms). That’s why it’s super important for us to stay on top of our stress levels and have a couple of stress-reducing techniques up our sleeves. We recommend staying active, having a stable support system and even trying gut-directed hypnotherapy.
5. Stable Support Network
Living with IBS can be quite isolating so it's helpful to have people in your circle that you feel comfortable with, can open up to and who can provide emotional support. We find it helpful to connect with others who are living with IBS, whether through in-person or online support groups.
6. Fodbods
This is a little bit of a shameless plug, but how can we not?! All of our products are certified FODMAP friendly which means you can snack worry-free. Made from natural, and organic ingredients, Fodbods are also vegan-friendly and gluten-free. They’re easy on the tummy, taste absolutely incredible, and are super convenient so you can live your best symptom-free life!
Wrap Up
If you suffer from IBS, know you are not alone. We (as I am sure many other IBS sufferers) are here for you and can understand what you’re going through. We hope Fodbods can and are making your life that little bit easier, but in the meantime, there are many other resources available to help you manage your symptoms and live a happy and more comfortable life.