Vanessa Hutchinson |

Spoonful - A FODMAP app helping you shop

Having the FODMAP friendly and Monash logos has certainly made it easier to identify FODMAP friendly foods, but what about the thousands of other products that haven't been tested? Or the products that are high in some FODMAPs but not others? It's impossible to memorise every ingredient out there and who has time to stand around googling them?! Not me, that's for sure.

How amazing would it be if you could just scan the product's barcode and instantly be told which FODMAP it contains? Well, this terrific new app Spoonful does exactly that!
I'm super excited to try this app out. I think it'll be most helpful when you've completed the second stage of the FODMAP elimination diet and identified your trigger foods.
I asked the founders of Spoonful, Deepa and Sam, some questions about the app.

Why did you start Spoonful?

Both Deepa and Sam have always been fascinated by food as medicine movement and, in particular, the connection between what we eat and how we feel. Deepa is a lifelong vegetarian who never planned to restrict even more foods from her diet, but in 2006, when her doctor explained that her physical symptoms were likely caused by food reactivity, she was hooked. Since then, she has managed her health, including a heart condition and asthma, almost exclusively pill-free through diet and exercise.

Sam was diagnosed with a mild case of Tourette's Syndrome when he was a kid and has managed to keep his symptoms at bay by eliminating foods like caffeine, certain color dyes, and.. sometimes, chocolate.

Both wanted to make something that would be helpful for people with diet-related health conditions, and Spoonful is their attempt at just that!

How do you use the app?

The Spoonful App hopes to make grocery shopping easier for IBS patients on the Low FODMAP Diet. The main feature is a label scanner that flags any ingredients you should limit or avoid during the elimination phase. Each product you scan will appear in the Discover Tab, which serves as a mini product catalogue. You can scroll it, filter it, search it, and once you've found a product you like, add something new to your Favourites List.
All of the data and ingredient notes you'll find in the app have been written and verified by an international team of dietitians, including Joanna Baker who has made significant contributions over the past 3 months.

Who should use the app?

We believe Spoonful is a great resource for all low FODMAP followers, however, it is highly recommended to see a FODMAP-trained dietitian to make sure you have the basics down. Also, if you see a yellow product in the feed or as a scan result, we recommend checking the safe serving in the Monash App. The two apps work quite nicely together!

Does the app have information on every product?

Currently in Australia, the app returns results for 50-60% of scans. This is something they're actively looking to improve upon in the upcoming months. For more information, check out the coverage by store table.
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