In light of IBS Awareness Month, we created a short survey to raise awareness and get the conversation started because no one should ever have to suffer in silence... We reached out to YOU to hear all about your IBS journey, how it impacts you and your life and what you do to survive.
We are ever so grateful for all of the responses we’ve received, and are so blessed to be able to share your story so we can show others that they’re not alone.
In a few sentences, describe a time IBS has impacted your life.
“IBS can make me so stressed and anxious about eating out for events. It has really negatively impacted my social life.”
“Before I saw a dietitian (and before I studied to become a dietitian), IBS controlled my life. I declined social events, missed weekends away with loved ones, and was in constant anxiety about whether certain foods would trigger symptoms.”
“IBS impacts my confidence, my sleep, my relationship with food and my relationship with people as I fear leaving the house and eating out.”
What are your top tips to share with fellow IBS sufferers?
There were many double-ups here so we’ve collated all of the responses for you and placed them in order of what was recommended the most. Make sure you save these tips for you or your loved one with IBS as there are some real gems in there!
- See an Accredited Practicing Dietitian who specialises in IBS and food intolerances to investigate your triggers
- Be open with the people around you - your partner, family, friends, and colleagues - about your IBS
- Always have FODMAP friendly snacks on hand
- Try a hot water bottle/wheat bag - “they’re so soothing, I could not live without it”
- Talk to restaurants and cafes about the menu and what they can do to cater to you and your intolerances
- “Be kind to yourself and give your body the rest and love it deserves”
- Breathe deeply and often
- Try the Nerva IBS (hypnotherapy) app - “it’s literally my saviour”
How has Fodbods been a part of your IBS journey?
“Fodbods have saved me many times when I find myself out with no options on the menu available to be changed or catered to me. They help me keep up my energy to deal with a toddler and baby.”
“Fodbods are a delicious snack with a great hit of protein, also a snack I recommend to all my clients with IBS. Such a great product!”
“They have helped me most in times when my stomach is particularly sensitive and not feeling its best, as I know Fodbods won’t hurt my stomach. They have been a saviour as it makes eating easier knowing it won’t make me feel ill.”
“So convenient to snack on at work. Also great to connect with like-minded FODBODers.”
“Fodbods are an absolute game-changer for snacking. And makes leaving the house easier as I always have a safe option in my handbag. Plus they are delish.”

We loved reading these responses and could definitely relate to a bunch of them. Please know that you’re not alone throughout your IBS journey. We (as I am sure many other IBS sufferers) are here for you and can understand what you’re going through. We hope Fodbods can and are making your life that little bit easier, but in the meantime, our DMs (@fodbods) are always open if you need to chat. You’ve got this!